Best School Districts In Texas

When I think of Lewisville Independent School district, the first thing that comes to mind is the opportunity. The opportunity to excel. The opportunity to face adversity. The opportunity to put yourself out there in ways that you may not have thought of when you were younger.
Teachers in the LISD aren’t just educating our students, they are preparing them for life. One of the things I can say about Lewisville ISD it did a tremendous job preparing me for after high school.
Lewisville Independent High School is an all-encompassing School District, in my mind, is not only giving my children excellent educational opportunities, but it’s also providing a safe comforting loving location which as a parent is exactly what I’m looking for.
I have been involved with a lot of kids that have had success at the next level, kids that weren’t maybe in the top half of their class still graduate from the University of Texas and they are now doctors. It’s just incredible how this District prepares kids