How One High School Course Sent This Young Man on His Way!

For many people, it might take many years to decide their life’s calling – their true, un-abiding passion. In the case of Vincent Walford, he knew what he wanted to do in the future when he was in high school. His laser focus and help from some great teachers are the two reasons his colleagues and clients now address him as “Dr. Walford.”
In 2001, his senior year at Lewisville High School, this highly motivated, intelligent young man knew he wanted to help others as a practicing psychologist. Fortunately for Vincent, LISD was one of the few public schools that offered a class in that very subject. He took the course, and this cemented his ambitious goal. He was on his way.
Vincent’s impressive grades, participation in extracurricular activities (including being named Homecoming King), and solid work ethic enabled him to be accepted by Baylor University. Here he continued to blossom, earning a Master’s degree in Public Health (MPH), with an emphasis on health education and a Ph.D. in counseling psychology. He is now in private practice.
“I am sometimes asked by students what they should do to realize their ambitions,” Dr. Walford said. “I say to start by being more engaged with your teachers and counselors. They are there for a reason. They are there to help you succeed!
“High school is a great time to find your voice, to find what you’re interested in. However, you should also realize that 5 or 10 years down the road, your interests might change and that’s okay.”
Dr. Walford knows how important his time was in LISD. With its broad range of subjects offered, world-class teachers, and the district’s commitment to helping every child, no matter what profession he or she is drawn to, this public school has the resources to make dreams come true. Just ask Dr. Vincent Walford.